TIEMS First Workshop in MENA Chapter took place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 7th - 9th April 2015
Saudi map
More than 200 participants gathered in King AbdulAziz University for TIEMS first Workshop in TIEMS MENA Chapter.
Announcement of TIEMS first workshop in TIEMS MENA Chapter at and in cooperation with King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and in cooperation with Prince Megren who is chair of Crisis and Emergency Management at the university.
The program comprised Saudi Arabia and international speakers. The papers at the workshop will be published in a special issue of IJEM after the workshop. The event was an excellent network arena for meeting and networking with Saudi Arabia officials and international experts within emergency management and civil protection.

  Jeddah Worskshop Prticipants
TIEMS Jeddah Workshop Participants
Jeddah Worskhop host and speakers   TIEMS Jeddah Workshop Hosts and Speakers
