Board of Directors

Meet the members of TIEMS Board of Directors

Alonso Brenes Torres is TIEMS Regional Director for Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)Alonso Brenes Torres

He is a Costa Rican geographer. He is international consultant and lecturer on disaster risk management, climate sciences, and territorial development, with experience in more than 30 countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

He started his academic and professional career around 20 years ago, working on international cooperation projects related to management of international basins in Central America and Mexico. Since 2005 he has been working on disaster risk management initiatives, territorial development, and climate action.

Currently, he is the coordinator of the Network of Social Studies on Disasters Prevention in Latin America (LA RED). He is also a member of the Integrated Research on Disaster Reduction committee, of the International Council of Science; member of the steering committee on disaster risk reduction of the ICS – ROLAC, and the UNESCO’s Group of Experts on Risk Management for Latin America and the Caribbean; the Science and Technology Advisory Group for the Americas on DRM; and the editorial board of Disaster Prevention and Management Journal.

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