TIEMS believes that one way to improve disaster preparedness and reduce consequences of disasters, is to recognize and stimulate those who do excellent work within emergency and disaster management. Also to stimulate and encourage young people to participate in this work and engage themselves in emergency and disaster management is important for the recruitment of young talents into this field. Above reasons is TIEMS motivation behind TIEMS Awards and Student Support. Today the following awards and student support are given within TIEMS:
- Best Paper Awards at TIEMS Annual Conferences*)
- Best Student Paper Awards at TIEMS Annual Conferences**)
- TIEMS President Oustanding Achievement Award***)
- TIEMS Rohrmann Student Scholarship Fund****)
*)TIEMS Korea Chapter's President, Young-Jai Lee, announced during TIEMS annual conference in Croatia in 2007, that TIEMS Korea Chapter will give a monetary best paper award to the three best papers presented at TIEMS annual conferences in the future, starting with TIEMS annual conference in Prague 2008.
**)TIEMS China Chapter Vice President, Guosheng Qu, announced prior to TIEMS annual conference 2011, that TIEMS China Chapter will give a monetary best student papers award to the three best student papers presented at TIEMS annual conferences in the future, starting with TIEMS annual conference in Bucharest 2011.
***)TIEMS President announced a new award at TIEMS annual conference in Bucharest in 2011, TIEMS President's Outstanding Achievement Award, to be issued each year in the future. The first 2010 Award was given to Jack Zhang, for his committment and achievement with the arrangement of TIEMS 2010 annual conference in Beijing.
****)Bernd Rohrmann, Australia, contacted TIEMS President during TIEMS annual conference in Croatia in 2007, with a financial donation to establish TIEMS Rohrmann Student Scholarship Fund, which is to help and support students to participate in TIEMS events. This Fund is supporting two students each year to participate in TIEMS annual conference as long as the Fund has sufficient financial means.
TIEMS Awards Winners
Awards given earlier are described in earlier annual reports from 2010 or earlier