Memberships, Donations and TQC Fees

We welcome you as a TIEMS member, and please, look at the TIEMS Member Benefits!
You find the details of types and fees of membership available in TIEMS Membership Form - Please click an option from the list below to purchase that membership:
  1. Standard Member - One Year Membership: 95*) Includes 21 % Belgum VAT
  2. Standard Member Transition Economy Country - One Year Membership: 35 € *) Includes 21 % Belgum VAT
  3. Professional Certified Member  Standard - One Year Membership: 125 € *) Includes 21 % Belgum VAT
  4. Professional Certified Member Transition Economy - One Year Membership: 45 *) Includes 21 % Belgum VAT
  5. Student Member - One Year Membership: 25 € *) Includes 21 % Belgum VAT
  6. Institutional Member - One Year Membership: 310 € *) Includes 21 % Belgum VAT
Membership descriptions and rights are found in TIEMS By-laws

TIEMS is a voluntary organization where all Directors, Officers and Members work voluntary for the organization.
Donations are therefore welcome for contributing to further development and reaching our goal of a Safer World.
  1. Platinum Donation Any Time: 500 €
  2. Gold Donation Any Time: 100 €
  3. Silver Donation Any Time: 50 €
  4. Bronze Donation Any Time: 25 €
  5. Amount of Your own Preference
If you are a TQC or TQAC Certification Candidate, you first of all need to pay your membership fee, which you find access to above. Furthermore, there are TQC or TQAC  fees that have to be paid during the TQC certification process, which are listed below.
  1. TQC Certification Fee (Regular): 62.50 €  (Needs to be paid before starting the TQC Compliance Process)
  2. TQC Certification Fee (Transition Economy): 25 €  (Needs to be paid before starting the TQC Compliance Process)
  3. TQC Examination Fee: 60 € (Needs to be paid before starting the TQC Examination) 
  4. TQC Re - Certification Fee (Regular); 100 €    (Needs to be paid before Re - Certification is evaluated)
  5. TQC Re - Certification Fee (Transition Economy): 40 € (Needs to be paid before Re - Certification is evaluated)
  6. TQAC Certification Fee (Regular): 37.50 € (Needs to be paid before starting the TQAC Compliance Process)
  7. TQAC Certification Fee (Transition Economy): 15 € (Needs to be paid before starting the TQAC Compliance Process)
  8. TQAC Examination Fee: 60 € (Needs to be paid before starting the TQAC Examination)
  9. TQAC Upgrade to TQC Fee (Regular): 50 € (Needs to be paid before Re - Certification is evaluated)
  10. TQAC Upgrade to TQC Fee (Transition Economy): 20 € (Needs to be paid before Re - Certification is evaluated)

Please, click here and select the TQC or TQAC fee to be paid!

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