TIEMS Rohrmann Student Scholarship Fund
Objectives, Rules and Procedure
(Status June 2017)
1. Purpose of the Fund
The TIEMS Rohrmann Student Scholarship Fund (thereafter referred to as “the Fund”) supports students conducting research relevant to the aims of TIEMS and wishing to present their research in the annual TIEMS conference. The scholarships shall facilitate the participation for students lacking the necessary financial resources. Students are a precious asset for the future and should be encouraged to join the TIEMS framework as early as viable.
2. Status of the Fund
The Fund is managed, separately from all other TIEMS activities, by a Fund’s Committee of five or more members, appointed by the TIEMS board annually during the TIEMS Conference. The initial donor and later donors matching the initial donation are ex-officio members of the Fund’s Committee. Objectives, Rules and Procedures of the Fund are subject to revision by the Fund’s Committee.
3. Scope of Research in Papers being submitted for Scholarships
The subject of the paper needs to be within the basic objectives of TIEMS as defined in Article 3 of the TIEMS bylaws, namely the study, the development and the application of modern technologies and procedures during crisis- and emergency situations.
4. Qualifications of Candidates
Candidates shall have completed at least three years of studies at a university or an equivalent college/academy/conservatory and must at the time of their application for a scholarship be enrolled at such an institution. There are no restrictions in respect to the field of study other than those defined in paragraph 3 above and those applicable to earmarked contributions in the sense of paragraph 9 below. Recipients must possess sufficient command of English to participate in the respective TIEMS conference.
5. Submission of Applications
To apply for a scholarship, the applicant has to first submit a paper for the respective conference in accordance with the instructions for authors and in compliance with the submission deadlines. The application for a scholarship has to be submitted separately on the Application Form, and be accompanied by all documentation listed on that form.
Only students which are either the sole author or the first author of the submitted text can apply for a scholarship. This means, that texts mainly written by a supervisor of the applicant, with the student being a second author, can not be considered. In case of multiple authors, the applicant’s “Statement of Personal Motivation for the Application” needs to specifically indicate to which extent her/his role in the research and to which extent she/he wrote the paper.
6 Selection of Fund Recipients
The Fund’s Committee will review the applications only after the acceptance of a paper by the committee reviewing all submitted papers. Applicants will therefore first receive information if the submitted paper is accepted for the conference, and only at a later time they will be informed separately about the decision of the Fund Committee; acceptance of a paper for the conference does therefore not constitute a decision about a possible scholarship.
If the votes of the fund’s committee regarding the selection of the best applicant(s) are incoherent, the committee’s chair shall decide after consultation with the fund’s initiator.
If the fund’s committee considers more papers as academically appropriate for support than there are scholarships available for the respective event, the specific financial needs of the individual applicants shall be taken into consideration.
7. Coverage of Scholarships
The scholarship will cover accommodation (room and breakfast) at the location of the conference and a contribution to transport cost. Its amount is being determined and announced by the Fund’s Committee prior to each conference; it is initially fixed at € 300.00. The recipients of a scholarship will furthermore be exempt from the registration fee.
8. Administrative procedures
The Treasurer of TIEMS administers the Fund according to the instructions of the Committee. Advance payment of the contribution to the transport cost can, upon request, be considered and will need the approval by the TIEMS treasurer.
9. Contributions to the Fund by Donors
TIEMS welcomes and actively encourages additional contributions to the Fund by individuals as well as organizations. General contributions can be made to the fund for use according to paragraph 10 below. Within the objectives defined in Article 3 of the TIEMS by-laws and with previous approval by the Committee, the donor can earmark his or her contribution for students from a specific educational institution, field of studies, or country. Earmarked contributions are subject to the same procedures of selection and administration as general contributions, but the treasurer keeps separate records on their use.
10. Availability of Scholarships
At the time the Fund was established (2007), funds available allowed the provision of two scholarships for each of the TIEMS Annual Conferences in 2008 and 2009 at an initial total annual amount of € 600.00 plus the registration fee. If the amount allocated for a conference is not or only partially attributed, the remaining amount will be used for the attribution of one or more additional scholarships for the subsequent conference. No scholarships having been awarded in 2009 and 2010, but two scholarships were awarded in 2011, but there were no awards in 2012. Additional donations to the Fund was given by Bernd Rohrmann in 2011, therefore there was funds available to support two student for TIEMS annual conference 2013, but there was only one application, and it has not been any application for 2014, 2015 and 2016, so theres should be funds available for support of two students for 2017. TIEMS actively encourages further donations to the TIEMS-Rohrmann Student Scholarship Fund, in order to ensure its viability for future TIEMS conferences.